The farmers empowerment and protection agreement on price assurance and farm services act 2020 is a significant move towards strengthening the agricultural sector in India. The act aims to empower farmers by providing them with new avenues to sell their produce and encourages private sector investments for better infrastructural facilities in farming.
The act provides a framework for contract farming, which is an agreement between a farmer and a buyer or investor. The contract lays down the terms and conditions under which the buyer or investor will purchase a farmer`s produce, and the price and quality standards to be met. This agreement ensures price assurance and support to farmers, providing them with a reliable source of income.
The act also encourages the formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to improve farmers` bargaining power. FPOs are a collective of farmers who work together to improve their production, business skills, and marketing ability. FPOs will have the power to engage in contract farming and access credit and insurance at better rates. This will empower farmers and provide them with greater control over their production and marketing.
Another significant feature of this act is the establishment of a dispute resolution mechanism. This mechanism will provide a forum for farmers and buyers to resolve disputes effectively. It will also help develop trust between farmers and buyers, leading to long-term relationships, benefiting both parties.
With the implementation of this act, farmers will have access to markets beyond the mandis or the government-run agricultural markets. This will enable them to get better prices for their produce, and improve their economic condition. The act also encourages private sector investment in the farming sector, providing better access to technology, market information, and infrastructure.
In conclusion, the farmers` empowerment and protection agreement on price assurance and farm services act 2020 is a much-needed step towards boosting the agricultural sector. The act provides a framework for contract farming, encourages the formation of FPOs, and establishes a dispute resolution mechanism. These measures will ensure price assurance, support, and empowerment to farmers, leading to a more prosperous agricultural sector and ultimately, a more prosperous India.