PranaVidya is the system of meditation by which we acquire mystical knowledge, its theory and techniques are ancient but they have been revised by ‘GURU’.PranaVidya is the gift of Rishis and the culmination of many years practice. PranaVidya involves the awakening of the total personality and leads to self-realization, its ultimate goal. The benefits of PranaVidya are felt on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. The first benefit is a complete charging of the body. You will feel that you have been reborn because you will be so fresh, relaxed and full of vitality. There is an improvement in the functioning of all the inner organs, the digestion, endocrinal system, respiratory system, circulatory system, heart, brain, muscles, nerves, etc. PranaVidya creates the expansion of consciousness in terms of attaining the mental clarity, developing greater awareness and the ability to cope with all the situations of life. It gives finer control over the fluctuations of emotions, and increased rationality. The state of one pointed concentration is achieved spontaneously. However, it should be kept in mind that the ultimate goal of PranaVidya is ENLIGHTENMENT.