Chakra DhyanaSadhana', is a very powerful advanced spiritual technique practiced by Rishis with a history of more than five thousand years. This practice is essentially focused on the seven vital 'chakras', or energy centers positioned along the length of our spinal column. Activation of these 'chakras' or energy centers, initiates the expansion of one's consciousness, moving from lower to higher states of existence in the planes of consciousness.
Human body, comprises of 7 chakras which are energy centres and also portals to consciousness, located along the length of our spine. Each chakra has its own Beeja mantra, colour, vibration, energy, sound, smell and attribute. The chakras are as follows :Mooladhara, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajneya and Sahasraara. The vibratory powers, balance, energy level, speed and orientation of each chakra determines several attributes in our life prominently like health and emotions. Each of these Chakras physically govern our health, emotions, thinking, evolution, intelligence etc. Get involved with the process of Chakra DhyanaWorkshop which will help in balancing the chakras and setting them in the right vibratory path, setting right many things in our physical world.The aim of this workshop is to awaken Goddess kundalini and her powers within us to energize the Shakthi of our deeper being for the realization of true nature. The very basis is all about stimulating & balancing these chakras/ nerve plexuses, which are forms of the tree Kundalini by 'meditation'.


  • Give reliefs from health problems
  • It eases you from fear and anxiety, relieves you of tension, insecurities
  • It fills us with positive energies and vibrations in the body, mind and heart
  • It enables flowering of heart
  • It results in increased focus and concentration
  • It helps in goal setting and team building
  • It helps to prepare grounds for spiritual growth
  • It results in mystical experiences
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